Havas Brazil

One of the Most Fascinating Destinations on the Planet

One of the most fascinating and ecologically important destinations on the planet, the Amazon is an unforgettable journey.

Hiking through the dense vegetation, canoeing along the streams, piranha fishing, bird watching, nights under completely starry skies, visits to indigenous villages, swimming with pink dolphins, expeditions to the “meeting of the waters” and the chance to meet wild animals in their natural habitat are all unique experiences in the world’s largest tropical rainforest.

And to truly experience the magic of the region, lodging in regional jungle lodges provides an immersive and sustainable experience. 

Strategically located, often on the banks of rivers, they give direct access to the stunning biodiversity and soundtracks of the jungle, as well as contributing to the ecosystem and well-being of local communities.

Another exciting way to discover the beauty and diversity of the Amazon are cruises. 

Aboard comfortable vessels, travelers can observe an impressive variety of wildlife while enjoying breathtaking scenery. In addition to navigating the winding rivers, cruises also offer land and water excursions with specialized guides.

Contact us to create an exclusive itinerary to this stunning destination in the Amazon. 

Havas Brazil

Rio de Janeiro: Beyond Sugar Loaf & Corcovado

By Tereza Heleney

Public green areas, lagoons, forests and urban or wild beaches to choose from. How can we not say that Rio de Janeiro is blessed by such a rich diversity.

Nothing is more grateful than walking in the Tijuca Forest, listening to the birds and the sound of the wind through the trees.

For those who are food lovers, a stop to taste a jackfruit, which is a fruit that weighs up to 15 kg, rich in carbohydrates, minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iodine, copper and iron. Or perhaps, the preference is for a waterfall bath? Or for the more adventurous, rappelling?

The coast of Rio is 86km long, with beaches for all tastes. Copacabana, known as “Princesinha do Mar” (Little Princess of the Sea) is one of the best known in the world and was the stage for several concerts, such as the Rolling Stones for example.

There is no questions that Copacabana hosts the most famous New Year’s Eve in the world! Ipanema, imortalized by Tom Jobim  with the song  Garota de Ipanema (Girl Of Ipanema) Leblon and its fashionable people,   São Conrado with its colorful sky with hang gliders and paragliders. Barra da Tijuca and its famous beach points.

We also have a beautiful Lagoon, an open space where tourists and locals who love being in contact with nature can use to practice outdoor sports, stroll, walk and do many other activities over more than 8 km in length. The area also offers multisport courts, in addition to baseball and tennis courts, and is home of the Clube de Regatas do Flamengo (the most famous local soccer team) and faces its famous headquarters, where a great museum will be inaugurated in 2021.

Skate Park, helicopter tour, water sports and green grassy areas for those who love outdoor physical exercise

It is an immense body of water, surrounded by mangroves, it shelters several species of birds and even the water-chicken.

Last but, not least, the lagoon became an area for celebrations, as many celebrate their birthdays there by the beautiful picnic areas. It is a proof that Rio de Janeiro is really one of the most democratic cities in the world.

And what about the sandbank area of ​​Marambaia? A sport that became a fever in the summer, the stand up paddle is a good choice for anyone visiting it. Being a region of calm waters, in the mangrove, it is ideal for beginners.

It is for this and for many other reasons that we believe that Rio is truly a blessed city, always ready to reinvent itself to embrace everyone who arrives here. Lucky for those who live here and even luckier for those who have the opportunity to visit it and immerse themselves in the vibrancy of this city.

Havas Brazil

Jaguar Expedition 2021

Already has a Date – Uakari Lodge, Amazon

At Uakari Lodge, 2021 will be the 7th year in which The Onça Pintada Expedition will operate – a unique program in the Brazilian Amazon that combines the observation of jaguars with science and conservation of the species.Over the years, this experience turned into an increasingly ‘scientific’ expedition, in which some of the most important feline researchers in Brazil guide our visitors through Mamirauá. The focus will always be on conservation and science, and so observing the jaguar is just a short moment in a transformative experience.There will be only 3 exits for this program. As the concern is the conservation of jaguars, this innovative tourism program can bring impacts that are unknown in the behavior of jaguars. For this reason, researchers at the Mamirauá Institute have defined that 3 outings / 12 tourists seem to be a safe number for not bringing changes in behavior for this animal.

The dates are as follows:

June 14th to 18th

June 21st to 25th, and

June 28th to July 2nd

As an addition, visitors can fly over the Mamirauá Reserve with the jaguar researchers at the Mamirauá Institute. In this overflight we will use radio antennas to locate jaguars and collars around the Uakari Lodge.To live this unique and exclusive experience, contact our team to book and guarantee your visit.