Havas Brazil

A breathtaking destination for nature lovers

The Pantanal – the world’s largest floodplain – is more than a tourist destination, it is a unique ecosystem that is home to an incredible wealth of wildlife and stunning landscapes.

Located in the heart of South America, covering part of the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil and extending into Bolivia and Paraguay, it has an area of approximately 195,000 square kilometers.

Governed by the water cycle, with two well-defined seasons – the dry season (April to October) and the rainy season (November to March), it is Brazil’s most preserved biome and is recognized by Unesco as a World Natural Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve.

One of the best ways to explore the region is with specialized guides through safaris aboard 4×4 vehicles or on boat trips along the rivers and canals, where tourists can record unique moments of animals in their natural habitat.

One of the Pantanal’s main attractions is the magnificent jaguar, the largest land predator in the Americas. Watching this majestic feline, known for its beauty and strength, is a truly thrilling experience. As is the sight of alligators sunbathing or gliding silently through the calm waters in search of prey.

And, of course, we can’t forget the hyacinth macaws flying through the sky in colorful flocks, with their vibrant and eye-catching plumage, symbols of the exuberance of the Pantanal’s fauna.

In addition to the wildlife, the Pantanal offers a rich culture and warm hospitality. The famous Pantanal ranches offer visitors an authentic experience of life in the countryside, with activities such as horseback riding, fishing, hiking and Pantanal cuisine.

For the more adventurous, hiking through the forest, canoeing on the winding rivers, and spending the night admiring nocturnal animals and the starry sky with thousands of stars dotting the horizon are unforgettable moments.  In addition, the Pantanal is one of the best places in the world for birdwatching, making it one of the most exciting experiences in the region.

For nature lovers, the Pantanal is the perfect destination, offering a visual and sensory spectacle at every turn.

Havas Brazil

Jaguar Expedition 2021

Already has a Date – Uakari Lodge, Amazon

At Uakari Lodge, 2021 will be the 7th year in which The Onça Pintada Expedition will operate – a unique program in the Brazilian Amazon that combines the observation of jaguars with science and conservation of the species.Over the years, this experience turned into an increasingly ‘scientific’ expedition, in which some of the most important feline researchers in Brazil guide our visitors through Mamirauá. The focus will always be on conservation and science, and so observing the jaguar is just a short moment in a transformative experience.There will be only 3 exits for this program. As the concern is the conservation of jaguars, this innovative tourism program can bring impacts that are unknown in the behavior of jaguars. For this reason, researchers at the Mamirauá Institute have defined that 3 outings / 12 tourists seem to be a safe number for not bringing changes in behavior for this animal.

The dates are as follows:

June 14th to 18th

June 21st to 25th, and

June 28th to July 2nd

As an addition, visitors can fly over the Mamirauá Reserve with the jaguar researchers at the Mamirauá Institute. In this overflight we will use radio antennas to locate jaguars and collars around the Uakari Lodge.To live this unique and exclusive experience, contact our team to book and guarantee your visit.